Another successful day. Not as successful as I'd hoped. I did miss a meal today because I was at the pool for 4 hours. Sheesh. I did pick up a tan :-) I was reading my Fitness magazine and I just happened to stumble on an article about the way you see yourself. It was saying that in a study, women who were hung up on their bodies lost less weight than confident women. They said to walk around the house in "your birthday suit" (With no one around) and that will help make you feel more confident. SO NOT DOING THAT. They are crazy. Even when I was in shape (roomates can attest to this) I did not do that. Eww.. Anyway. Moving on. But they said to replace your negative thoughts with something positive. So instead of saying "my stomach is disgusting" think "Well, this stomach gave me 2 beautiful children that I adore" and eventually your mind will start to believe what you are saying. So, that is my goal for the next day. Every time I have a negative thought of myself, I will say "NO!" and replace it with something positive.

I highly recommend that magazine by the way. It is full of great things. GREAT recipes that I would love to try, and lots of exercises that you can do at home.

They also suggest not stepping on a scale as much. They say use a piece of clothing to determine your weight loss. So I have picked out pants that are - lets say - less than flattering? This week I am setting a goal for myself. 2 pounds. Will let you know how that goes!!
3 Responses
  1. sarah Says:

    ROFL...love these posts, Danielle! Keep 'em coming! Today I went for a walk with Shawn and yesterday too! I totally agree with you about the negative running commentary we have going on. I heard that something like 80 or 90% of our thoughts about ourselves are negative. How terrible is that! But it's true! I am making it a point to stop obsessing so much about what I look like and to stop beating myself up over it. That actually helps me to eat healthier and get outside and exercise! I like the "birthday suit" idea! ROFL! Love ya!

    Sarah M.

  2. Sarah Says:

    O girl you know you want to walk around in your Birthday Suit.. just say it:-)

    Your doing excellent... when I started WW back in january (which I don't do anymore by the way) They said only get on the scale once a week and always do it on the same day at the same time wearing the same thing...

  3. Dani Says:

    That's a good idea..I'll do that.. Now by the way Sarah M. I will do 2 things in my birthday suit. Go in the shower, and weigh myself. I saw something funny last night on VH1. Remember in Jerry Miguire when the little kid says that the human head weighs 8 pounds? Well one of the ladies commenting on that scene said "that kid makes me happy every day. I always subtract 8 pounds from the scale." haha.. I am going to do that! LoL...