I was just thinking today of how much my life has changed. Haha and I was able to laugh. I had been talking to Susie about my Christmas list. I cannot believe, that at 23 years old, the top thing on my Christmas list is a swiffer mop. I am too cheap to go out and buy it myself ( and a little broke!). I also want new pots, pans, serving stuff, a vase.....Things have certainly changed. Then I thought of how excited I get when Samuel goes to the zoo and very emphatically says with a deep growly voice "Its a bear" when he sees the bear. Or how my heart wants to jump out of my chest when Samuel got excited today after putting a quarter in one of those toy things and saw the toy come out and just about jumped out of his skin cheering. My life is very full of happiness. It took me a while to get to the point of realizing that it is ok to grow up. haha! That I'm really not missing that much! I look at a lot of single girls out there that are my age and all they can talk about is the next bar they are going to go to or about how much they hate their jobs. How unfulfilling!

So today I brought Samuel back to that zoo right near my house. That is the greatest thing ever. It is free, it has a lot of animals, a nice park and a track to go running on. So he was finally able to name all of the animals and even worked up the courage to almost touch one of the goats. He is usually terrified of them. They stick their heads out of the gates and wait for people to feed them. He won't go that far, but he did get close enough that his hand could have touched one. After that, we went to Pizza Hut. SAMUEL IS HILARIOUS. We went alone and I was hysterical laughing the whole time. My son is so funny. Every time he would take a bite of pizza his eyes would get HUGE and he'd say "It's gooooood momma." Then when he was done he'd say "More pease" Holy cow the kid ate way more than I did. After we were done eating we went to pay and they have one of those claw things that catches the stuffed animals (TOTAL WASTE OF MONEY) So I convinced him to instead put a quarter in one of the machines that gives out those little toys. This one gave out a tatoo. When it came out, he jumped up and down , put his hands in the air and started cheering. It was so precious. He really thought he won something and didn't realize its because he put the quarter in. After that we went to visit daddy at work. Samuel was so excited and happy. It's the first time in a long time that i've seen him so excited. He's definitely feeling better. I bought him the memory game today. Gosh, toys have changed so much since I grew up. They have a memory game from every TV show you can imagine. I just wanted the basic old fashioned memory game. But I ended up with The Backyardigans memory game. Whatever. Anyway. He came home, took a long nap, I took one with him (SOOO NICE) and now we're heading off to grandpas house. What a day. I had a really awesome day off :-)
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