I have such fond memories of Elim. I must say I miss it quite a bit. I know that all of you pretty much that are on my blog are from Elim. Do you guys have any suggestions for schools that take Elim credits? I did the two years there and I am looking to go back to school this January. The only problem is I would basically have to start from scratch with the schools here because Elim credits are not relevant to the degree I am going for. I don't care what school I get an associates from, I care about what school I get a bachelors from. So any suggestions would be great!

I am going apple picking hopefully soon with Samuel. He is getting better, but he is not quite there yet. Poor kid..Hope he's better soon :-(
1 Response
  1. I went to Nyack, I'll say it wasn't he best. Not only did I finish Elim, but I had credit from other accredited colleges. I did graduate in a year and a half though, but it was like pulling teeth! They hopefully have gotten their act together by now. Call Elim, but I heard this thing called "Beacon" online accepts Elim credits, and that would be a GREAT way for you as a mommy! I think your bachelor's would be limited to a Bachelor of arts (in theology probably) but a master's is what really matters with majors (ie I have the theology degree and I'm getting my master's in ESL.)

    Let me know if you have any questions!!! Congrats again on the new baby! We need to get together, I live in Astoria!