Hey Everyone. I don't know about you guys but I am totally inspired by Susie. I was thinking about something the other day. When my friend died, his mother was absolutely falling apart. She made no sense, had to be on medication from day 1. I saw her the other day and she still seems like she cannot function almost 6 years later. I cannot imagine and do not want to imagine what it feels like to lose a child, but judging from what I am reading about Susie, she has such a hope through all of this. Such support, and even though I'm sure it hurts beyond imagination inside, she still has a hope. My friend's mom is in extreme pain I'm sure, but even from the beginning, she knew he was in heaven, and she knew that he had saved 6 people's lives with his organs, but still had no hope. It was quite sad. I know I cannot pass judgment at all, but I do see such a difference between the two situations. I remember going and visiting her a few weeks after my friend died and I left totally depressed and in tears. When I read Susie's blog, I feel such peace (still tears, but good ones!). God is the difference. I am definitely still praying for the Sams family because I know that it is much harder now. During this time.

On a much more not important note. I am trying to get in shape for a cruise that Josh and me are taking in April. I am wondering if I am going to go a day without being in pain. I went to a personal training session and it was 1/2 hour. So I was thinking really, how much of a workout can I get..OH MY GOODNESS. Everything hurts. Everything. I cannot sit, stand, lay down, nothing. I have to do that workout 3 times a week and include at least 35 minutes of cardio everyday. Ya right. I will say I will give it a shot, but no promises. Anyway, my big boy wants me to get up. I will write later!

P.S. Get on Susie's blog mnssams.blogspot.com and watch the video of Joshua- So precious!
1 Response
  1. Rachel Says:

    Danielle- that's so exciting, where are you going?? Dave and I went on one last year to the Cayman Islands and Jamaica, so much fun!

    Whenever you lose a baby, apart of you will never be the same. I am not the same person I was before I lost my little one, life just can't be the same. The thing is, you can either make you bitter, or change you into a more sweeter person. Susie is not letting it make her bitter, I am so proud of her, because it's so easy to do after you have had something like that happen. Keep being there for her, and letting her know that even though people forget, you won't forget what happened. After awhile, people just expect you to snap out of it, but, like I said, there's no "snapping out of it". Some days are tougher than others (it's been 4 months)

    Love you girl,