Can anyone please explain to me how you can clean a house to the point where it is spotless and the very next day it looks like a tornado passed through? How... I don't understand... Some input please...
4 Responses
  1. Anna Says:

    wow, you make it to the next day before it looks like a tornado? some days I'm lucky to make it an hour:) if you get any advice, let me know! haha

  2. Sarah Says:

    you did the reply thing the right way! The financial thing I heard about through our church it is a way to get completly out of debt and start saving money, to learn how not to live paycheck to paycheck and have money left over to spend. when are you guys moving.

  3. Unknown Says:

    toddler. husband. tired momma. is tht input or agreement?

  4. Rachel Says:


    Just so you know,we changed our domain name to

    Love ya,