That would be an agreement Susie. haha!!

So I have had some thoughts lately that I would love to leave on this blessed blog. Lately, God has been really dealing with me in a lot of areas. I won't go too much into specifics because I am still dealing, but I really believe God is calling me to a new level. When I got pregnant, everything kinda went into a whirl wind- pregnant, wedding, marriage, husband, baby, apartments, bills....AHHHH! Everything happened so fast that I found myself really questioning and almost getting so caught up that I was ignoring God in a way. Although I have had some serious encounters with God during this whole time, I saw myself falling into some pretty bad habits. So today I went to a friends daughter's 1st birthday party. There was A LOT of drinking going on, a lot of young people talking about the latest club they went to and just a real heaviness going on. I saw that I used to feel like I could be comfortable in that environment then all the sudden I wasn't at all. I saw that I am called to something a lot different. It was a real eye opener for me. it made me sad to see so many lost people and they are all looking for something (and for the most part, almost everybody at the party was raised in a Christian home or were "Christians") and they were looking in all the wrong areas. I still am seeing someone very close to me still struggle with those things. Looking to the past and thinking that those were the good times when really those were the times that they were furthest away from God. I caught myself during a few stressful moments thinking that to myself. I would think "God I would do anything to go back to my teenage years and enjoy myself more if I knew that this is what life would be like". It was such a wrong attitude. I used to think that the most when I was 7 months pregnant. I remember the exact month because there was a "complication" in my pregnancy and here I was, on partial bed rest while all my friends were at college talking about their latest crush. There I was sitting, huge pregnant and thinking "Did I pay the rent on time? What am I going to make for dinner? Can I really get up and go to the bathroom?". I felt robbed. But now that I think back. Robbed from what? I enjoyed Elim. I believe my stay there was exactly what I needed to prepare me for this stage in my life. I believe I took Elim for granted and I have been able to lately look back on my notes from class and just praise God because it is what I needed to hear at that very moment!
God is doing a work in me. He is changing me and I really truly believe I am growing into a woman right now. I am finally seeing what life is really all about. Changing diapers, watching my son do new things, watching my husband graduate! What kind of life is it to be partying and drinking? It's a whole lot of emptiness. I am a blessed woman. Please continue to keep me in your prayers. God is showing me how to really trust him and it doesn't always feel so nice :-) Love you all!
1 Response
  1. Unknown Says:

    I know. I remember. Danielle, I'm so happy that you are feeling you've turned a corner. I hope it makes you feel empowered! I'm hoping that what I'm walking through will not make me "want to go back to the easier days". It's difficult though. I love you heaps! And btw - you are called higher...