I have to say, the worst part of a kitchen are pots by far. Why are pots so annoying to clean? Why can't they make disposable pots so that I don't have to wash them? Hmm..Maybe I'll invent that, DONT STEAL MY IDEA!

So I've made it through another week. Josh is coming home tomorrow. Yay!! Samuel was A MILLION times better this week. NO messes. I actually though last night that it had been a whole 2 days since he did anything remotely naughty, so it was time for a 'bubba bath". He LLOOOOVVVEESS the bathtub. It is by far his favorite thing to do. Especially when it has bubbles in it. So while he was in there, we went over animal sounds and animals. I love hearing him talk. It is so adorable. You know what I don't love? When he wakes up at 6:30 because of this lovely time change. Not cool.

I started Christmas shopping officially and I AM GOING TO GET INTO TROUBLE. I am having WAYYYYY too much fun. I bought Samuel 3 things so far (4 after today) I bought him Hungry Hungry Hippos, I Spy puzzle, and an ABC puzzle. I am buying him today (yes, I know Rachel, I will regret it) a drum set. It is on sale . It was originally $130 but it is down to $79. I can't write what else I bought because my family comes on the blog. And yes, I did buy Jonathan cole. I brought my brother Jonathan with me to Toys R Us. He is so adorable. He is 11 years old and totally hilarious. Sometimes I forget that he is still young. He's pretty mature for his age (and he watches Samuel better than anyone in the family..haha!) I started Christmas music. OH WELL I LOVE IT! I can't wait or Thanksgiving to pass so that I can have CHristmas!!!!!!!!! Anyway.

Pregnancy is going good. I notice that I tend to carry very high and I'm getting a little worried. I carried really high with Samuel and I could not breathe at the end of the pregnancy. I remember the doctor thinking that I might need a c-section because he was so high up. Thankfully, I didn't. I'm starting to feel out of breath a little bit. I think it is also because I am not exercising faithfully. It's hard when Josh is gone. I am going to go this morning. They have babysitting and Samuel loves to go in that germ infested room. I mean, the playroom.

Ok, I have to go..Samuel just came up to me and said "mama, I waan eggies" . TOOO CUTE!
2 Responses
  1. Stefanie Says:

    I'll post a picture of my kitchen before I finally clean it tomorrow, it seriously has been piling up since Monday. I'm completely out of clean pots and pans and just now am getting the time and ability to hand wash dishes again, and now it's late, so tomorrow it will be. What's one more day when it's already been 4? Time was a problem in general this week, I get my life back at noon tomorrow. And Ability had something to do with the fact that the muscle of my finger was exposed from having a not so pleasant meeting with the wrong end of a large knife in the bottom of the last sink of dishwater I had in my sink on Monday night.

  2. Sarah Says:

    Hey girl I got your message on my election day post, not sure when you left it but you said your scared that Mccain/palin didn't win not sure if you checked the news and all but obama definatly won.