Christmas time is BY FAR my favorite time of year. But you know what is the worst thing about my favorite time of year? The months I spend thinking on what to get Josh. I just read Anna's blog and it seems she is in the same boat. What is it buying gifts for men? Josh's problem is he wants all of these really expensive things and if I actually get it for him, he never uses it. For instance, last year he wanted 2 really expensive things. A Braun Pulsonic razor thingy and a PSP (Playstation Portable-stupid I know) So I managed to pool together money from my grandma, mom and myself and we were able to get him both. The Pulsonic he swears by, absolutely loves it and uses it every day. The PSP thing, which he just HAD to have, never uses it. I think since last Christmas he has used it 3 times only after I tell him how much of a waste it is. He wants a Palm Pilot or some IPOD thing, however, I am hesitant to even buy them because they are both expensive and I DON'T WANT TO WASTE MY MONEY! HELP! Any ideas? I know that if he gets the IPOD thing, he'll never use it because he is not mechanically inclined and barely knows how to use the computer. The Palm Pilot I was thinking of, but it kinda seems like a boring gift. I was also thinking of getting him this workout program he wanted. I don't know. I get scared every year at Christmas time because I never know what to get him. Any suggestions?
1 Response
  1. Stefanie Says:

    Adam's pretty similar, big dreams, no time or will power to actually follow through. Last year he was all over this teaching himself Greek thing for when he can get into seminary someday, so I spent $60 on a good computer curriculum, still uninstalled. He wanted to build model trains like my dad, so both sets of parents chipped in and bought him $200 worth of start up stuff, still in the boxes.

    This year we're driving to Texas for Christmas with my family, so I'm giving him money and maps for cool things to do on the roadtrip home. I'm learning that experiences are sometimes better than material things. I sent him and his brother to a guys night hockey game once, that was a huge hit! I also prepaid a pool table for 3 hours at a pool hall for his bachelor party (which I had to throw because his brother said he couldn't because he was only 18 at the time) that was also a big hit.