So we have completed week 3 of Josh being away! Good deal :-) He should be home in about an hour! Hooray! I feel so bad, Samuel had a complete meltdown last week when Josh left and he was sleeping. Broke my heart. Well, he'll see him again tonight!

I would love some suggestions for a boy name if we have a boy. A girl is already picked out, but a boy we are struggling. I think we have agreed on one boy name, but we're both not completely crazy about it. Hmm. We shall see. My husband wants to do this thing where all the boys have the same middle name..egos.. I do know a family that has 11 kids and all of the boys have the same middle name and that is where Josh got that crazy idea.

Nothing really interesting happened this week. Went and had some bloodwork and another sonogram and the doctor said the baby has a perfectly round head, very kicky legs, and does not like to cooperate with the sonogram tech. They kept trying to get a measurement of the baby's thigh and the baby had other plans, like kicking!

I am so tempted to find out what I am having but I promised Josh I wouldn't. And, to top it all off, Josh won't be here for the Level 2 sonogram (supposedly routine, nothing is wrong) which will be able to tell the sex of the baby. AHH. Stay strong Danielle, Stay strong. I just think it would be so exciting to be giving birth and hear "ITs a ...BABY....."

I cannot believe I am pregnant again. I don't know why it isn't hitting me. I still think I'm in denial that I had a child. That's bad, he's almost 3 (haha susie, I say "almost" all the time). I cannot believe my baby is going to be 3 in 3 weeks. Goes by so fast and I've loved every minute of it *except for the feces incidents*. Anyway , hope everyone is doing great!
1 Response
  1. Christina Says:

    ok, soo baby boy names, hmmm, ok here are some i like: Lawson, William, Kyle, Jack, Wyatt, Isaiah, Connor, Irah, hmmm, thats all i got right now.... hope it help!!! yoU ARE STRONG not finding out what sex it is, wow.... i dont think i could ever do that... you go girl! HEY, i want to see more belly shots! I bet you look soooooo cute!