1. What is your funniest childhood story? Probably when I went camping in the Catskill mountains and I was riding my bikes with my sister and her friend and we were going down this little hill and making a sharp turn onto the road (because if you went straight you'd go off of a mini cliff) Well, I did it for the first time and yup, you guessed it, went right down that cliff. I heard everyone yelling and running over to me. My Uncle Jesse got stuck in a lounge chair (very funny) And everyone kept thinking I was dead or seriously hurt and I actually was hysterical laughing at how dumb I was. haha!
2. What would your dream dress look like if you could design it? I've gotta say, Not creative like that. Anything halter is good for me!
3. What weird habit does your hubby have? He makes armpit farts to make sure his underarms are dry before putting deodorant on. Definitely weird.
4. How many cookbooks are in your kitchen? 2! Eating For Life and Better Homes Cookbook
5. Granny panties or loyal Victoria Secret girl? Victoria Secret all the way!
6. My favorite memory from 2008 so far is... Probably hearing Josh scream like a girl when we were in Jamaica flying through the trees.. Haha hilarious
7. I secretly... Wish I wasn't home alone right now
8. I could really go for... Sleep.
9. We are going to have a big snow storm and you will find me... In my comfy Camp Alvernia sweatpants sitting on the couch or making soup
10. I knew he was the one... When I really got to see his kind heart

I tag: Hmm...
Anna Coyle
Susie Sams
Rachel Tibbs
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