Sheesh Sarah, felt a little scared there at your comment..LoL... I AM UPDATING MY BLOG BEFORE SARAH COMES AND BEATS ME :-) Love ya Sarah :-)

So I love my niece. She is the cutest thing in the whole world and I wish I could post a million pictures of her. She reminds me of a princess. She holds her little head up and has the cutest little button nose that turns slightly up as if to say " I am royalty, treat me as such". TOO CUTE!! I can't stand it. Today I was telling Josh that I should go running..so he said yes..go running even though its raining go running. SO I thought for a minute (Gosh I hope Josh doesn't read this :P ) and said.hhmmmm...run outside in the rain and cold or sneak to my sisters apartment and see my niece. What a toughy. So I looked very devoted today, I was gone for about 35 minutes..LOL DONT TELL! I did run a little bit and was pretty sure I was going to drop dead according to the feeling in my chest. So, I thought I'd do Josh and Samuel a favor and came home :-) How can I go on the Elliptical forever and can't run outside for 5 minutes? So much for that mini marathon I had in mind..LoL...

Anyway, I have to post these pictures I have of Samuel where he is cracking up laughing. I was thinking of things I loved to do when I was a kid, and one of them was making a fort out of blankets and the couch cushion. So I took some chairs since I really didn't want to use the couch and I draped some blankets over them and boy oh boy did Samuel love it! He is at a really great stage right now. I love it. I love him! Anyway, I will post more later (tomorrow) I have to go help my hubby. He had a PT test this morning (Running, sit ups, push ups...etc...) and then tonight he had to do 20 laps in the pool so he is barely walking..hmm could use this to my advantage? So I got him some old man cream...I mean...Aspercreme for his joints.LoL... I can't help it..It makes me laugh! His joints hurt! I shouldn't make fun. The other day I made fun of him because he left his car window open and it rained over night and I really ripped into him about how you should NEVER do that in the summer and low and behold, I did the same thing..Idiot.. Anyway, See ya!
2 Responses
  1. Sarah Says:

    thank you for updating I was beginning to wonder if this new post would ever come, instead of going right from the elliptical to outside try running the treadmill first. I really prefer indoor running to outdoor, running on asphalt is not good for your knees or back, thast not to say running outside is bad it's just better for your joints to be on a softer surface

  2. Sarah Says: