So here's an update on this pregnancy of mine :-)

So, I went to my new OB (I LOVE HER) and got a sonogram and it looks like my fluids are a bit low, so I have to be monitored every week and get sonograms every week. The fluid levels are supposed to be above 10, preferably in the 12 range, and mine are currently in the 8 range. So it is not enough to be completely worried, however if it gets anywhere near 5, I need to be induced. So my doctor suggested that I set up an induction date. So as of right now, April 28th is the date I have. Ahh...I am hoping that I go on my own which the doctor said is very possible. She said she'd be really surprised if I went to that date. I am already dilated 1 1/2 centimeters. I am TOTALLY ok with having this baby early, as long as I can get past next weekend which is our official move to PA weekend. So let's hope this baby stays put for at least a week and a half.

Funny story, I was complaining that my hip was hurting and that I would feel pain every so often. So they did a sonogram and as it turns out my sweet baby's fist is wedged in my hip and is flexing. PAINFUL. I can't imagine I have any room left for this baby to move.

So that's the update. Pray for me, it's getting increasingly hard to do ANYTHING and I am really not settled.
2 Responses
  1. Sarah Says:

    Hey girl I miss you please please call me when you have your baby!

  2. Christina Says:

    hey and update w/out pictures?? whats up with that!!! hahaha, j/k. Sooo, as you know, Susie will be here for the month of June, i wrote to Jessi Wicks and mentioned that we alll need to seee if we can schedule a Elim girls reunion. What do ya think?? Email me with some ideas!!