I am STILL pregnant..I know I have two weeks left, but I DON"T WANNA WAIT TWO WEEKS! Let the natural stuff begin....Going out today to buy some Herbal Tea... So this is the deal. I have an induction date of April 28th. The reason I had the induction date is because my fluid levels were low. However, they have come up to normal levels now and I have the option to cancel the induction date.

Reasons for Cancelling the Induction:

Because I"m crazy- and it's good for the baby
Because I'm crazy- oh and it's good to decrease my chances for c-section
Because I'm crazy- and it will hopefully be a tiny bit less painful
And lastly- Because I'm crazy

Reasons to NOT cancel the induction:

Because I feel crazy
Because I feel huge
Because I hate feeling like my ankles have led on them
Because I am selfish....haha!

So, as you can probably see, I am canceling the induction date.. Am I crazy? Either way I have decided to direct my anger for these last two weeks at Josh. He is now responsible for this baby coming out. If I want to take a 5 mile walk, he's coming. If I want to drink Tabasco sauce, he's doing it..If I want to take Castor oil (I'm not doing it), he's doing it too. He must feel my pain because I said so. He keeps telling me that it's ok, I'm temporarily insane and I will get better. That makes me more angry. Now I am thinking of pretending to take Castor oil, and making him take the real thing. Then when I don't get sick and he does, I'll tell him he's just temporarily insane... Do I sound horrible? I feel mean...but I also don't feel bad that I feel mean...hmm...

As for the apartment. IT IS WONDERFUL! My sister is AMAZING. Toria spent the weekend with us and unpacked the whole apartment. It is cleaned up, it looks great and I have the internet. My life is good! Besides this whole I CAN"T TAKE BEING PREGNANT nonsense.

Samuel LOVES his own room. He plays in it for hours at a time. He is the love of my life and I could bite his face on a regular basis!!! So that is it....
1 Response
  1. Christina Says:

    Danielle, you are soo funny, i was laughing out loud... hilarious.. i like the idea of caster oil prank, he he he... perfect! just keep remembering that the baby WILL one day be there, its inevidable!!! <--think i spelled that right. Anywayssss, good luck, and i am proud of you for making the right decision.. i dont know if i would be that brave...