Susie, as a follow up to your question with candy and ice cream. Very funny story. My son has to take prednesone for the asthma. The stuff tastes HORRIBLE. We tried everything. This is a very funny story though... So the doctor suggested to me to put the medicine in a milk shake, chocolate syrup, or in his juice. haha..So I went out and bought him his very first frosty from Wendy's. I let him first taste it and he loved it...so I put a DROP just a DROP of medicine in, he took one taste, gave me an angry look and pushed it away. So I thought I would try to put a drop in his juice (he can drink TONS of juice and milk a day..). It was really funny because he took it, made sure he smelled it, then took a taste and SCREAMED very angrily at me. It was one of those moments where you really should say , "Hey! You don't talk to mommy like that", but he had a valid complaint, I tried to pull a fast one on him. So I called Josh and asked him to bring home chocolate syrup (something that is NEVER in our place due to mommy's diet). So we had him stick out his little finger and we put a drop on the end of it. Again he smelled it, then tasted it and loved it. You could tell at that point that he did not trust me and did not trust any food that I was offering. He knows whats up. I then put the syrup on a spoon. He took the spoon and fed it to me as if to say "If you'll try it, I'll try it". So I did but he knew better. He threw the spoon at me.. Well to end a very long very funny story, my son ended up after 1 hour with no medicine in him and my kitchen had chocolate syrup ALL OVER the floor. Josh thought it was funny, I didn't. So we had to do the saddest thing. We had to shove it down his throat :-( He saw me take the dropper and fill it with the medicine and in a last ditch attempt, he tried to "pretend" he was sleeping. Wise guy. Isn't it hilarious how these small creatures have such personalities!! I love him...He is hilarious and he is my entertainment all the time!! So yes Susie, I tried everything. Even chewables which turned out bad for me because now he is very cautious to take his flinstone vitamins! We just have to shove it down his poor throat. Well, I'd rather him be healthy than like me!! See ya!!
6 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    you've probably created a monster now. you'll have to explain to his teacher when he starts kindergarten why he smells everything in his lunchbox before tasting it. you'll never be able to hide leftovers or veges in casseroles now. oh no.... :)

  2. Sarah Says:

    I couln't stop laughing while I read this you added way more detail here then on the phone but still so funny. It makes me think about all of mt patients who are lil kids and I tell them the needle is only going to feel like a bug bite :-)

  3. Sarah Says:

    Hey Danielle, What a fun suprise when I clicked on the link on Susie's blog to see who the new blog belonged to and it was you. Its been such a long time in Watson 2nd at Elim but I still miss everyone. Samuel is such a cutie! Can't wait to see more pictures. And you'll get the hang of blogspot - it really is simple once you find everything. Isn't blogging fun.

  4. Anna Says:

    Hi! So glad to hear from you! The story of the chocolate syrup is GREAT! I can't believe how big he is already!!!! Time flies doesn't it? My little guy is just 9 days old, but I'm sure before I know it he will be as big as Samuel! Thanks for leaving me a comment, I'll enjoy reading your blog!

  5. sarah Says:

    lol nice story danielle. you have to get the cookbook jerry seinfeld's wife wrote...its all about puree'ing food and hiding veggies in things... i dont know about hiding medicine but it could work!! its called something like "deceptively delicious"...something like that.. WELCOME TO BLOGGER!

  6. sarah Says:

    uh oh, i see there's another sarah on here! i better change my name to boesy or something, but that last comment was from boes!!! me!!