So this week of implementing the new changes with Samuel has gone amazing! He absolutely loves all of the Christian videos--specifically Veggie Tales (will I regret this?). I'm seeing a change even in his personality. It's not like he was ever mean or anything like that. He has always been across the board a sweet and happy kid. But I just see more of a lightness I guess! I have to say, when God gave him those dimples, he was definitely thinking of me :-) They melt my heart away!

Now as far as Zachary. Well, he is also adorable and melts my heart, but, he threw a tantrum for the first time. I mean looked at me, lost his mind in anger, went on his stomach and kicked and cried..Um.... 9 months? Samuel NEVER threw tantrums. I can only remember 1 time when he did and I just walked over him and ignored it. But he was almost 2 when that happened! What do I do about a 9 month old tantrum? Well, quite honestly I laughed..I thought it was hilarious.

And now a funny Samuel story! He was at school on Thursday and when I went to pick him up his teacher was waiting for me **never a good feeling**. She said Samuel had gotten in trouble because while they were outside, she told him not to play in mud and he went ahead and did it anyway and ruined his shoes. So she said she punished him by not letting him be outside anymore and took his shoes off and told him basically that his punishment was to be inside. So when I put him in the car, I asked him "Samuel, did you not listen to Miss Shannon?" "No momma..I was naughty".. "Samuel, it is important that you listen to your teacher. She is the authority when you are here and it hurts the heart of God when you don't listen and it makes God so happy when you do! You need to say sorry to Miss Shannon and never disobey her again. Do you understand?" "yes momma, I sowwy." OK...So then I started talking to him about the rest of his day and did he have fun and what did he have for snack... And, like every day he comes home from school I say, "Samuel, what was your favorite part of your day?" In all seriousness..... With those big eyes...he says..."The mud.". !!! Oh Lord...And there that goes..Started dying laughing..Oh well...Gotta laugh some times!

As far as my weight and this battle with it. I've been exercising every day faithfully for going on my 3rd week. I have not lost A POUND. I have eaten for the most part good, but I think I need to refine it a little more and maybe cut some foods out. I am finding that I have a hard time eating fruit in the winter, so I started making fruit smoothies again. So delish! Just put some strawberries, bananas, blueberries, and some yogurt and ice in the blender and it tastes yummy! I went to a women's Bible Study and it was all about the thoughts we have towards ourselves and how we need to see ourselves more positively, so I'm just going to enjoy my life right now, no matter what, and pray for help in this frustrating area of my life!! Hope everyone's week is good!
3 Responses
  1. i understand your feelings toward your self-image. in a world where women's worth are dictated by the way they look, it can be very hard to see ourselves through the eyes and heart of God. Its like we have to pray our way through a healthy look at who we are and realize what God made is good. I believe thats why Paul said after you've done all...stand. It fits in also in this scenario. If you've done all you can to be healthy, than believe you are. Being healthy is certainly never about how much you weigh...and its unfortunate so many people are boggled by that. But its about doing things God's way, His standards...taking care of ourselves.

    I bless you as you continue to treat your body with good health. May He give you long life because of it! Now thats a Kingdom perspective! And if you ever get a chance, I have another blog called greenwithcrystal.blogspot.com that I use for sharing ideas with others on how treating our bodies good is as much a spiritual discipline as any:) Keep up the good work (sometimes you just need to hear that).

  2. Dani Says:

    Yes Thanks Crystal! Everything you said is exactly what the Bible study was talking about. Then I watched a video the other day and basically it was saying when you call yourself not good enough, it is in a way insulting God. He created us and we are not good enough? I'm learning to be comfortable in my own skin and realize that really, it doesn't matter! I mean look at the two beautiful sons I have, I'm alive and I have a God who truly cares about me! That's all that should matter! I'm learning to shut off the TV because it's always in your face! AHH! I'm so grateful I have God to show me what's really important!

  3. Unknown Says:

    The parenting changes are awesome Danielle! Awesome awesome awesome! We often forget how much they absorb, don't we? We had to put a nix on all TV that wasn't Oce-approved about 2 years ago. We were driving somewhere and she saw the Vodafone (mobile phone) store and screeches from the backseat, "MAKE A MOSSA NOW!" [Make the most of now is their logo phrase] and we freaked! We'd never taught her that, it was only on a random ad between shows! We realized that if she was absorbing that - what ELSE was she absorbing!?!?! Scared us!

    And Veggie Tales are less obnoxious than Dora the Explorer and Bob the Builder at least :) Which was have as well... Oh well. :)

    I know you want to lose the weight, keep at it. Healthy living is great, even if the numbers don't budge!