So here it is..Here is where I am at..

So I've decided to tackle my eating problem..As in, I eat to much! haha! But seriously, I'm sure there are millions of mother's out there identifying with the struggle to get in shape after baby. I find a lot of mothers resolve themselves to "this is my new body, get used to it". Well, I don't think it has to be this way. And for me, it is more than getting into shape. It is more than an ideal weight... It is about becoming healthy. So, I'm going to blog about my journey to becoming healthy.

So here is a little background. Growing up I never had to watch what I ate. I could eat pretty much anything and not gain a pound. I always was very self conscious about my weight from a very young age. It all started from 2 things. First, my grandma used to say to me "You have your father's bone structure. You are going to be heavy if you don't watch it" That was at age 8. At age 10, I was a mother's helper and we stopped to get pizza. I asked to get 2 slices and the mother said "Oh my God are you serious? You are a pig.. I don't even eat 2 pieces". I was MORTIFIED. If anyone knows about my dad, he has struggled with his weight for as long as I can remember. I adore my father and he is my biggest fan and I really couldn't ask for a better father, so I am in no way blaming him for anything. Anyway, ever since then, I struggled from time to time with eating. Right before I left for college, I got really sick with a kidney infection. I lost a lot of weight and you could literally see my ribs. I remember thinking to myself "Wow...this doesn't look so bad". Terrible. As soon as I got to college, I gained the weight back and was at a healthy weight. Then I had Samuel. My body went into total havoc. Not only did I start emotionally eating, but I started realizing that I could no longer eat whatever I wanted. This made me even more upset which ironically made me eat more! I was at my heaviest a couple of months after Samuel, that is until Zachary came along. When I found out I was pregnant with Zachary I vowed to not gain a lot of weight and What did I do? I gained 51 pounds! 20 pounds more than I gained with Samuel and that was starting from 15 pounds heavier from a healthy weight.... Ahhh...

I have tried every diet, I have exercised, not faithfully. All this comes to the fact that I now realize, it is more than dieting. it is more than just aimlessly exercising. I did Body For Life last year and it worked WONDERS. But the change didn't stick. It's because I had the mindset "Oh once I get into shape I'll be able to eat whatever I want again". Wrong. So after much prayer and God speaking to me a lot about my weight and generational curses, I have decided enough is enough. I found myself constantly going out and buying food like McDonalds, Dunkin Donuts, Wendy's.. Anything unhealthy and as I would order it, I would not even really want it, but I would still eat it. So I asked God what the deal was. He spoke to me about being honest with myself. I honestly resigned myself to the fact that I would never follow through with anything and never be healthy. I always said to myself "I'll start again tomorrow..." Well, no more. I need to get healthy. I am currently according to my height, considered overweight. I know I am not healthy because I am constantly tired and sluggish. This is NOT because of Zachary. He has been sleeping 8 hours through the night for a while now. I am sure I am tired just from being a mommy, but I know I can do better.

So, this time, with God's help, I am going to once and for all conquer this hold food seems to have over my life. I know I can't do it on my own or in my own strength, I know I'll have hard days, and I know I"ll have good days. So I am facing it head on and I am going to blog about it so that I can see the journey and the breakthrough I am going to have! So please, pray for me as I do this. So there it is!! Until next time!
2 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    Oh man Danielle. This sound so similar to me right now. I started with Oceana at my smallest weight since high school, and gained 57. I lost most of it by accident, but still couldn't have run or done anything physically strenuous, because I wasn't in shape. Losing that weight "by accident" did so much to make me think I still had my old metabolism going for me. And then with Joshua I gained the normal 35 and only lost 25 of it. So when I started with Naomi I wanted to keep to that 25lb gain, and the 35 happened again. It's sad, because I noticed I wasn't NEARLY as stop-the-bus hungry as I was with the other two. I thought I'd be okay to stay small. And now here I am, post baby. The water weight has come off, but the number has been the same for two months now. And am I doing anything to change that? Yes, I'm eating pizza, cookies, ice cream... it's wretched. When I get home and I have control over my eating - that's it! I cannot allow my body to "go" this early in my life. My father in law said something yesterday about a woman being married, "That's why she let herself go" (she was overweight). That killed me... I don't want people thinking I don't CARE! I want to be little again - for me.

  2. Dani Says:

    Well Susie, I know exactly where you are at and let me tell you, for having 3 kids back to back, you look pretty dang good. But I know that as much as ANYONE tells you that, it doesn't feel good and that is the bottom line. So,I'll be here to encourage you. It's going to be hard, but I think totally worth it..