So today I have officially completed my first day of conquering this eating thing. And I must say, I did pretty good. I was able to say no to myself when temptations came and stick to it. It's funny how some things work out. I went to the gym tonight and I was talking to a lady there and she was STICK THIN and she was saying, "I can't stand this little tummy I still have from my kid". It made me realize that even the most perfect looking lady can feel insecure about herself. It really is I think about perception. In my view, she looks amazing, in her view she looks terrible. How ironic.

Today I went to the store with my son. He wanted a donut from the store. He was such a good boy, I decided I would get it for him. Now let me tell you, it was a HUGE accomplishment to not get myself something for myself. I had all kinds of thoughts and trying to rationalize why it was OK for me to have a donut. I kept saying, well I'm going to exercise, Well, I just don't care! I've been doing so good all day, why not reward myself, and then finally, I just said NO! Danielle NO! You cannot have that because YOU DON'T WANT IT. And I gave Samuel his donut, walked away and didn't have a donut, a bite of Samuels, a crumb from Samuels. Nada. big accomplishment for me!

I was talking to a friend today, and she was saying about how all day her weight is on her mind. When she gets dressed, with every food put in her mouth, with ever glance in the mirror. It's so funny because when she said that, I realized how obsessive this can be. I do the same thing. With every pair of jeans I put on, it is a little tighter, everytime I look in the mirror I grab my love handles. Every time I put something in my mouth I literally imagine what the food is doing to my insides. Crazy. I have decided that every time I think about my weight, I am going to say something positive to myself. I need some positive reinforcement from myself!! So, that is what I learned today. Thank you to that friend who opened my eyes to it.
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