Oh my goodness I am so excited. It has been a long 7 weeks, but when I got here, it felt like I was gone for such a short time! It was so good to come out of the airport and have my WHOLE family waiting there. Including my little niece. What a cutie. Oh my goodness she is walking all over the place! And what a personality! I was so relieved that she remembered me. She came to me right away and played with me for most of the night (Except for the part when she was mad at me because I wouldn't let her have my camera. Then she gave me her angry eyes and ignored me). Such cute pictures of her!

Samuel did amazing again on the flights. He is a real trooper. I am so proud of him! He LOOOOVVVEESSSS to fly. He gets really excited every time. He was so tired right before we got on our last flight and he slept the whole flight and woke up really happy and he was so excited to see my family. By the time we got back to my mom's house, he was all over the place playing and smiling. I didn't realize how much he must have really missed being here. It was almost like he never skipped a beat. Got right back into playing! Love him..

Today is the first of Josh's 2 big tests! This is it. If he doesn't pass these, he doesn't get the job. I have so much confidence in him though. This isn't a written test, this is an evaluation. He has to run an actual scenario of planes coming in and him directing them where to go. There are two parts to it. Ground and Local. Today is the ground part of it and tomorrow is the local. He feels pretty confident on the Ground section, but a little nervous about the Local. SO please if you think of him, pray! He is taking the test this morning at 10 (central time) and tomorrow 9 (central time).

So that is the deal!!! I will post pictures hopefully soon!!!
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