Helloooo all...

I just thought I"d post a quick post. It is early and I have to go to the doctors for a sonogram and the dreaded glucose test....So close to getting out of that test. But, I should probably do it being that I got out of it with Samuel.... I am excited to see how the baby is sitting in my stomach. Last night I was pretty sure he/she wanted to come out of my stomach through my bellybutton. It seemed as if he/she stood up right under my belly button!! So cute. I cannot wait to see this baby. I keep looking at Rachel's pictures of her newborn baby and it is reminding me of how sweet little babies are...even though they keep you up at night.. It's all out of good intentions though, they just want to make sure you aren't missing them too much :-)

Have I ever told you guys that my neice is a total cutie...I was on the phone with my mom yesterday and she was watching Jael while my sister was getting dental work done. Jael LOVES my brother Jonathan. So she was eating cherrios and he walked out of the room and I hear my mom saying "Jael it's ok it's ok" I could just see what was playing out..BIG poochy lip and the waterworks started. I mean her life was over. How could Jonathan walk out of that room! As soon as he walked back in she stopped. I love her...A little princess...Anyway, I HAVE to get going....I'll post pictures soon!!!
1 Response
  1. Sarah Says:

    I sure hope that baby is not sitting in your stomach, since it should be in ur uterus