So today I have a doctors appointment. I have to decide where I am having the baby. I am very confused right now. I can have the baby here in New Jersey (it is about 10 minutes from my aunts house). However, it is about 45 minutes to an hour away from where i am living in Pennsylvania. When I had Samuel, the hospital we were at was also about 45 minutes away so I know it is doable. I just don't think it is smart to see yet another different doctor at this point in my pregnancy. I have about 4 1/2 weeks left so I think I need to just settle down with one doctor. My aunt highly recommends this doctor, so after I meet her, I am going to decide what to do. I am just nervous about being an hour away just in case of an emergency. I know that God will work it out and right now I am just praying that I will know without a shadow of a doubt that I am in labor when it comes. No false labor. God is in control and I know whatever happens, it will be ok.

We are at my aunts house right now for another 2 weeks and then we will be moved into our apartment in Pennsylvania. Josh started his job and he seems to really be loving it. He's not doing to much right now because his manager is away until the beginning of next week.

My beautiful little niece is going to be 1 on Friday. I cannot believe it. She is quite the character!! I have to get pictures on here, but she has finally grown enough hair to put it in a little sprout on top. She looks ADORABLE. She is the happiest little baby girl. She looks so funny walking because she is so short! I love her.... I can't wait to see her next weekend!

I'm going to go see my grandparents on Saturday which I am also really excited about! I miss them very much and they are getting older so it is time to spend as much time as possible with them!! My grandpa is going to be 92 in August and my grandma is going to be 88 ( maybe 89) in May!!! They are still living on their own and doing well. My grandpa has lost his eyesight completely at this point. He has diabetes and his eyes started going years ago, but now he is completely blind. They are managing and my mom found services to help them at home so that my grandma can have a break. My grandpa was in World War II and has a purple heart so all of these services are free! I'm so happy for them :-)

Anyway, that's the update!! I have to get new pictures on here soon!!!!!
1 Response
  1. Sarah Says:

    can't wait to see your new baby... when i come to visit of'course