Hooray!!! Back to computer world!!

So much has gone on in the past few weeks. We've had Josh's birthday, Valentines Day, my birthday, and lots of baby stuff going on!! Everything is going really well. I am SOOO ready to come home. Oklahoma is nice, but it is not home.

Josh is doing well, he is slightly (HUGELY) overwhelmed with his studying right now. I think he underestimates himself and is definitely his worst critic! I think he's doing a fantastic job. He is working hard and sleeping well...haha... I love him..

Samuel is doing really well also. So much has changed in him since I've been here. We've really been honing in on him listening to me. Cracking the whip so to speak. He is quickly learning how to listen and behave really well..As my new friend Elizabeth puts it, we are making it inconvenient for him to disobey! HAHA! I love that line... But it is the best way to put it. He's potty trained and even gets up through the night to go to the bathroom..my little old man..I love him too!

Pregnancy is..well pregnancy. I know a lot of moms talk about how they love being pregnant and that they feel the best when they are. Ya, not me. I have come to the conclusion that I do not care for being pregnant. I feel heavy, I am waddling, and my feet look like a bunch of sausages. But it's all for the greater good. I get a little baby out of all of this. I wish there were a way that I could have kids without getting huge pregnant and without actually pushing them out...Hmm....I know, not possible, but hopeful...

So there it is in a nutshell. I am going home in 2 weeks from tomorrow. HOORAY!! I miss my family SOOOO much..... Can't wait to see them all!! Pictures soon!
1 Response
  1. Sarah Says:

    so glad to have you back.. it was soooooo nice talking to you the other day!