Sometimes I wonder if I carry part of the baby in my face..hmm...I wonder...
3 Responses
  1. sarah Says:

    You are a sexy pregnant mama! I hope I look like that when I get pregnant...I'm afraid I'm just going to be one big sausage. ROFL! Love you, Danielle!

  2. Unknown Says:

    you look great! :) and if you up for it, i can share my number... haha. if it makes you feel annnnny better. :) 28 and still trucking. blech. but good news is that her head's so far down and engaged the midwife thought she was laying sideways - not headfirst (like... she didn't even FEEL HER HEAD at first). Geez Louise. Oce did the same thing to me at 35 weeks. This one... 34 and making my hips hurt like a mother...

  3. Rachel Says:

    Ok, did I miss you telling us if it's a boy or a girl?? I am really curious!!