Here is a list of 10 STUPID things to say to a pregnant woman:

1.) You must be having a girl because your face is so round..I mean, it has changed dramatically. (Aka..You are fat)

2.) Are you eating well? You look pretty round all around (Aka..You are fat)

3.) How much weight have you gained so far? (Aka..You are fat)

4.) You look "healthy" (Aka..You are fat)

5.) You look really great pregnant (Aka..You're fat has tightened up)

6.) You look a lot bigger this time around (Aka..You are fat)

7.) Were you this big with your first pregnancy? (Aka. You are fat)

8.) Wow you must be ready to pop! (Aka..You do NOT look 5 months pregnant..You are fat.)

9.) You are waddling a lot..Must be uncomfortable (Aka..You are fat and waddle)

10.) And last but not least........YOU LOOK FAT (From the in sensative brother-in-laws who are just stupid...)

So...Here is ten things YOU DON"T SAY TO ME. Thank You.
3 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    Where are they? Who are they? I'm killing them. Dead.

    Very very, painfully dead.

    Stupid people.

    So far no commentary like that - just the previously mentioned "3-in-3-You're-gonna-have-20-babies" CRAPOLLA

    Love you!

  2. Cyndy Says:

    Very funny girl.....give'm hell...haha...I'll remember to watch my "P's and Q"s"...I value my life...haha