It's been a while since I've posted. I've been really busy lately and really overwhelmed with things to do. I'm sure all you young moms can relate. I'm at the point with Samuel that I am nervous that I am not doing anything right! I realize that no mom does, but I think I may be burning out a bit. When they talk about terrible 2's I think that is such a terrible thing to say about your child, however. I think there is a possibility I'm there! He is really defiant lately and I'm learning and seeing the importance in discipline! It's so hard to do when he is really cute, but at the same time, it's not cute when I'm tired, I've had enough and he is testing me. Tonight was one of those nights. I haven't been feeling too hot and my job is really stressful right now. So I came home and Samuel just CRIED AND CRIED and was clinging to me. I literally had a "I'm going to lose my mind" moment. Usually by that point if I haven't prayed all hell breaks loose. So then I'm thinking about how I want to sing again and I can't because of Samuel and la lala woe is me. Terrible. So of course I finally said ENOUGH SAMUEL! I put him in time out (rarely working lately) and I told him you sit there until you're ready to listen and stop crying. Well, amazingly enough, it only took about 5 minutes. Thank the Lord in heaven. It's also been hard because Josh has to write a 15-20 page paper so he needs us out of his way so I'm trying to create ways to get out of his way. Then to add insult to injury, we had to cancel our cruise. We were supposed to leave this coming Sunday, but Josh has a speech that is mandatory for him to graduate. An 8 minute speech.....AHHHHH...So we canceled it and thankfully, it looks like we will be able to reschedule with no penalty. So needless to say, my life is crazy right now. I know it is going to get better once life slows down, but it really feels like I am never going to get there. I am at Starbucks right now totally enjoying the peace and quiet (even though it's packed) Anyone relate?

On a happier note, my apartment is clean! Yay! three days in a row! A miracle has happened! Love ya all!
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