I'm finding that because of my facebook, I hardly update this blog! I think I need to keep updating it because I can write out and maybe vent a bit on the blog!

So everything is still going ok here. I am finding that I am starting to feel a tiny bit (ALOT) overwhelmed lately. I'm sure it's just my body re adjusting and ME adjusting to having two kids. Zachary is a good baby. He sleeps well and hardly cries. Samuel is doing ok. Unfortunately he keeps getting in trouble and seems to be in time out quite a bit lately which is making me feel HORRIBLY guilty. I think I need to make a time each day where it is just me and Samuel time. How the heck do you balance this? I'm finding myself a little at a loss as to what to do.

As for me I think I'm getting a little blue. I keep feeling like I'm going to lose it to be honest! And I don't know exactly over what. Zachary isn't a bad baby, and Samuel is not bad, I think I'm just tired and wanting to juggle everything just perfectly. I think I need to just accept that I cannot do everything at once and I need to just relax. It's hard to do when I'm tired, and unfortunately, everyone around me seems to be paying for my anxiety. I don't want to be a grumpy mom and wife, but I'm really having a hard time!! Any suggestions anyone?
1 Response
  1. Anna Says:

    Hey! I'm sorry that I don't have any advice except just to give it to the Lord & ask Him for strategies on how to handle everything! And know that there are people around who love & support & pray for you!