Hello all!

It has been a while since I have blogged. My life has been busy as usual. Josh finally ended school and it has been a wonderful/interesting adjustment. Can anyone out there relate what it is like to not see your significant other so much then see them all the time..yup, you've guessed it...TENSION..haha! But we have finally broken through all of that and are really enjoying each other right now. We are leaving for Jamaica on Sunday and it is a much needed vacation for the two of us. I am SUPER nervous about leaving Samuel. He is staying with my mom and I know he will be just fine there because sometimes I think he has more fun there than at my own apartment. I just get so scared that he will think I abandoned him or something. I know it is 6 days not 2 months, but I have a feeling it may feel like that. I have been particularly attached to Samuel lately :-) He's my buddy. So I am going to post pictures on here that will I'm sure make Josh hate me, but I can't help it. I think it is great blackmail, so here it is!! Comments please :-)

So I was making him lunch after I got back from work and I start hearing him say "Hi, Hi, ball" And I walk in to see who he is talking to and my husbands worst fear is realized..haha...Very cute though :-) TOTAL blackmail picture :-)
3 Responses
  1. Sarah Says:

    why don't you guys just come down sometime and stay for a weekend?

  2. What a cutie pie! Yea I live in Astoria, queens...we drive to Jones! This summer we'll have to meet up definitely!

  3. Christina Says:

    heyyy!!! just wanted to let you know i set up a blog too, i dont know why, but i thought you'd like to know!!! HOw is the new State treating you, PA right???